Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Here is the schedule of funeral arrangements for Wesleigh Anne.

Wednesday...Visitation at Goldfinch Funeral Home (Conway) from 5-7pm

Thursday...Funeral at North Conway Baptist Church 10:30 am
Private burial in Sumter

Thank you all for your tremendous support during this difficult time. We cannot express how loved we feel.


  1. Praying for you as you journey through these next couple of days...these last precious moments with your daughter before joining her in Glory. Praying peace and comfort for you both.

    His love to you, friends~ Rebecca

  2. Trey and Liz, we love ya'll and are so sorry to here about Wesleigh Anne. We lift ya'll up to our Lord in prayer, and pray His peace in your hearts and minds.May God strengthen you. Love Casting Crowns, "Voice of truth" is strong.
    Peace and love to you, Grayson and Karen Parker




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